Kitchen & Garden Tools
The best places to find kitchen and garden tools are often your local kitchen supply shops, hardware stores, and nurseries. Local toolshares and tool lending libraries can also be great resources. If you aren’t able to find something locally, here are some of my favorite sources.
- Cocktail Kingdom: barware
- Fillmore Container: bottles and jars
- Hida Tool: garden tools from Japan
- Mountain Feed and Farm Supply: homestead and kitchen supplies
- Mountain Rose Herbs: containers and kitchen tools
- Peaceful Valley Farm Supply: garden and harvest tools
- Specialty Bottle: bottles and jars
- Trellis + Co.: mason jar and fermentation supplies
- Umami Mart: bar tools, kitchenware, and glassware from Japan
Below are some of my preferred tools for making cocktails and mocktails.
Koriko Weighted Shaking Tins from Cocktail Kingdom
Usagi Cobbler Shaker from Cocktail Kingdom
Seamless Plain Mixing Glass by Umami Mart